There’s a threshold within innovation when small steps aren’t enough, and something big has to happen. Quantum is that big step. Morris’ revolutionary new air drill takes your operation to the next level.

The trash flow characteristics of the Quantum have been adapted from the C2 Contour, the best trash flow design in the industry. This design allows you to plant into taller stubble and create a more fluid flow of crop residue around the opener and shank.

The Quantum has main frame tyres on 3m centres, an important consideration for standardising wheel-based soil compaction in controlled traffic fields. The Quantum frame is 154% stronger than previous drills. The 4×6 tubular steel frame features innovative joint welding, made possible by Morris proprietary manufacturing technology. The Quantum is the strongest, most durable air drill from Morris, ever.


Contact our sales team for more details:
Warren Barden: 0429 555 869 | Gordon Trebley: 0437 031 266